[Chicago] I'm lonely presenter

Randy Baxley randy7771026 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 14:00:53 CET 2014


On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Nick Bennett <nick at goggl.es> wrote:

> All that I have learned about Python, I have learned through trial and
> error in IPython. I usually get the feel of an API or new module first in
> the shell, and then I can write code in my editor. I could give a talk on
> using an interactive shell to debug code and explore modules, in particular
> IPython but the the approach would be similar with others like IDLE or
> python or bpython. I introduced my work mentor to it, a purist with a
> mechanical keyboard tailored for vim use, and since then he has been using
> ipython on most of our Python-based work projects. If that's not a stunning
> recommendation, I don't know what is one.
> Let's call the talk "Getting a feel for the code" and in it I will talk
> about using Python REPL shells including python, IPython, and bpython. I'll
> talk about getting access to a Python REPL quickly and easily when in need,
> to appeal to a wider audience. Perhaps you see something interesting on
> Github and you want to see how it would work, but you're not a programmer
> yet and/or don't have a Python environment at your fingertips. I'll talk
> about PythonAnywhere, along with a blurb about getting an EC2 instance
> going. Could I use your code, Carl, as an example in the presentation?
> Thoughts?
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