[Chicago] Really??!!

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Tue Feb 11 21:08:05 CET 2014

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Steve Schwarz <steve at agilitynerd.com>wrote:

> I don't care about any money, who (if anyone) gets paid or how much, codes
> of conduct, bylaws, not for profit statuses, etc. This group is too small
> and the amounts of money are too trivial to worry about. It is only through
> the hard work of a few people that it exists for the rest of our benefit.

You have the luxory of not caring about a code of conduct for group
activities, but I had to kick someone out of future Chicago Python
Workshops and Python Office Hours because they harassed one of my attendees.

I hope this allows you to understand why I do not run event as affiliated
with ChiPy and why I can say that I am not volunteering for ChiPy.

Other python user groups have a good model of governance and are
transparent, for example, the Boston Python User Group. They have multiple
activities and their group is not just about one night a month. I have felt
that Chipy is more than just a group that meets once a month. Am I mistaken?

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