[Chicago] Really??!!

Steve Schwarz steve at agilitynerd.com
Tue Feb 11 20:55:08 CET 2014

Personally I enjoy Chipy meetings as an opportunity to meet with Python
software developers, learn new things, and discuss software development and
technology. I attended every Chipy North meeting (and presented at two of
them) and wish I could make it to the ones in the city - so I'm also
grateful for videos of those meetings.

I don't have a problem with how Chipy is organized or run - I'm just
grateful it exists and that people do step up and do all the work behind
the scenes to organize and run it and the meetings.

I don't care about any money, who (if anyone) gets paid or how much, codes
of conduct, bylaws, not for profit statuses, etc. This group is too small
and the amounts of money are too trivial to worry about. It is only through
the hard work of a few people that it exists for the rest of our benefit.

Let's focus on Python and Users here in the Chicago Python Users Group.

Best Regards,
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