[Chicago] ChiPy video sponsorship

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Mon Feb 10 19:35:14 CET 2014


For anyone who doesn't know who I am, I'm normally the guy with all the
cables, cameras, speakers, etc trying to make sure our meetups get recorded
(and streamed). Up until now my AV work is pro bono and I've gotten some
good feedback about it. In the recent past, some sponsors have stepped up
and inquired how they can help sponsor my work directly. Honestly I'm
uncomfortable getting funded directly for this work, so I'm trying to
figure out where I should direct these sponsors? Where should that money go
and how do we account for it? I personally feel like this is ChiPy's money,
so what I'm really asking, aside from helping defray my costs, how should a
sponsor give us money so that (even if I get some reimbursement) it goes to
the group?


Carl K
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