[Chicago] [Dec 2014 loop] Video metadata for "A lightning look at O'Reilly's Python books"

Carl Karsten carl at nextdayvideo.com
Thu Dec 11 17:59:35 CET 2014


This is Veyepar, the automated video processing system.

Please review the following meta data about your talk so that mistakes can be corrected now and not after the video has gone live.

Released: True
Permission has been given to record your talk and post it online.

The video will be titled with the following image:

The main page for the video will be here:

Problems with the text should be fixed in the event database that drives: http://www.chipy.org/ 

If everything looks good, you don't need to do anything. Good luck with your talk; expect another email when the video is posted.

Your talk is scheduled for Dec. 11, 2014, 8 p.m. in the room called Braintree *new* HQ and you have been allotted 15 minutes. The event organizers will give you instructions on how to check in before your talk.  

Please bring what is needed to hook your laptop up to good old 15 pin VGA.  We may have an adaptor, but don't count on it, someone may have taken it.

Email generated by https://github.com/CarlFK/veyepar/blob/master/dj/scripts/email_title.py
but replies go to real people.

Reference: http://veyepar.nextdayvideo.com/main/E/9094/

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