[Chicago] Tcl/Tk location

Chad Homan choman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 23:15:08 CEST 2013

I find myself  in a strange situation

With great misfortune, I am running on Sol10 update11.  This system is
using python 2.6.4 and tcl/tk 8.3.  I am trying to write a ttk widget,
which is exploding
because it cannot find a package "tile", which to my understanding is in
tcl/tk 8.5.

I pulled 8.5 from sunfreeware.com  need to tell python to use a different
Tcl/Tk version
to gain access to "tile".  All packages installed fine to  /usr/local,
which is great because
it is not "stomping" on the native binaries.

My question is hoe do I tell python/Tkinter to use the new locations?

Thanks in advance

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