[Chicago] PyJnius talk followup + security-related Python jobs

Matt Dorn matt.dorn at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 19:20:34 CET 2013

For those interested, I've summarized my talk in a blog post and
provided what should be an easy way to run on your own the exercises I


Also, a reminder that viaForensics is seeking experienced Python
developers with an interest in information security.  Beyond what I
discussed prior to my presentation, we've got some very interesting
challenges that will be taking us into the realms of Big Data and
high-concurrency/high-performance web services.  (I'm currently engaged
in a debate with a colleague on this, advocating a Python-based
alternative to a Node.js implementation for just such a service, so
looking forward to Dan Griffin's talk next month....)

The official job posting is here:
The job is in our Oak Park office (easily accessible via the CTA Green
Line or Metra), though remote work will be considered for the right

Feel free to hit me up off-list with any specific questions at mdorn AT


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