[Chicago] trying to find old post on wrist therapy for RSI

Rob Kapteyn robkapteyn at gmail.com
Sat Mar 2 23:41:23 CET 2013

My experience has been that a good** Chiropractor can be amazing and puts
all of the MDs to shame for problems like this.

I hurt my wrist in a fall last May.  While I was in the ER getting stitches
in my head, I noticed my wrist starting to hurt.  ER doc took an Xray and
thought that I had a Scaphoid fracture in a wrist bone (very very bad!).  I
was given a splint, anti inflamatory pills and an appointment to Illinois
Bone and Joint two weeks later.  Better Xray showed no fracture.  I got a
new splint just like yours.  I was told that the pain would go away on its
own and that I just had to let it heal.  At followup appointment six weeks
later my wrist was still weak and hurt when I used it -- I was told the

Three months later, my back was locked up (from sitting at the computer too
much).  I went to my usual chiropractor, who fixed it quickly -- and then I
showed him my wrist.

He did a few tests.
My wrist was noticeably weak and painful when I used it in one position
(like when holding a laptop from the front edge)
He explained that my wrist bones were jammed down, spreading the bones in
my forearm and that a tendon was stuck in the wrong place.

After about 4 minutes of manipulation he eliminated 80% of the pain !
He showed me how I could pull on the base of my thumb to nudge the bones
back into alignment.
In another month it was 95% and today it is 100% (it seems even stronger
than it was before the injury)

MD result:
Four office visits.  Distressing Misdiagnosis.  Lots of Xrays.  3 months of
pain with the prospect that it would bother me for the rest of my life.
Cost of over $1200.00 ($300 after insurance)

Chiropractor result:
Immediate relief and a good explanation of the problem (with no Xrays).
Total cost: $30 (which included fixing my back)
Feeling stupid that I hadn't gone to him earlier ;-)

** finding a good chiropractor in the Chicago area is difficult.
There is a really good article in the Chicago Reader from 2001 that
explains the difference between "Straights" and "Mixers":
The two are *completely* different (and they have a serious fight over the
use of the word "Chiropractor").

Unfortunately, most of the "Chiropractors" in Chicago went to the "National
Chiropractic College" in Lombard, IL.  (making them "Mixers").

I like the "Straights" much, much better.
My guy went to the original Palmer Chiropractic College<http://www.palmer.edu/>
If anyone wants his name, email me off list. (He's on the Northwest side)


On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Jordan Bettis <jordanb at hafd.org> wrote:

> http://www.drugstore.com/maxar-wrist-splint-with-abducted-left-thumb-black-x-large/qxp254962
> I wore it as much as possible but especially at night, and the pain and
> numbness cleared up after about a week. I still wear it most nights even
> though my hand hasn't bothered me in a while because it's no big deal to
> put it on.
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