[Chicago] Meetup group

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Jun 25 15:49:27 CEST 2013

> Not to mention that there are several exclusively meetup.com Python user
> groups around the country that operate essentially as walled gardens of
> gatekeepers: huge numbers of people in groups who don't seem to be able to
> communicate with one another.

As a member of the python.org postmaster team, I once needed to get in
touch with someone who was a member (or perhaps leader) of the DFW (I
think) Python group.  Talk about a PITA!  I had to register for the
group, get approved, try and reach the guy through Meetup's web
interface, then eventually disconnect from the group to keep from
getting drivel of one kind or another.  I no longer remember all the
details, but it was certainly more difficult to communicate than I
thought it should have been.

Unless there is evidence that the Meetup interface really brings
people here, I'd vote to get rid of it.


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