[Chicago] RSVP open for Thursday meeting

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 18:59:22 CET 2013

****Happy Chinese New Year. This is the year of the snake!****

So if you go to our website http://chipy.org you will now see 2 RSVP. One
for the pre-party (hackathon?) for Aaron Swartz and a second for our
regular meeting.

Concerning the agenda, This is not set in stone. And I gave Trent 2 spots.
Both topics sound good. He can do one or the other or both as far as I am
concerned. Let me know.

There is one open spot for a 15min lightening talk. I think someone said
they had something and I need you to refresh my memory

Back to the hackathon/open house/whatever, we have some details to work out
on the pre-party. There definitely will great refreshments. I also would
like to see how the PS1 thing went and see if we can continue this. Looking
forward to someone leading this effort. Any takers? If there is no
leadership for this, people will be on their own but I will be sure there
will be some food and drinks there better than our norm (not that our norm
is to shabby). People are also encouraged to bring a date, stop in, and
leave if you have other plans. You may also wear your "I <3 Python," shirt.

Lastly, someone asked if anyone will be speaking on Aaron. I am open to
this ide; however, I do not know who that someone would be. If you are
interested in saying something even in brief, please do not hesitate to let
me know.

RSVP Here http://chipy.org  X2 if your going to both.

Best Ever, Brian

Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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