[Chicago] Aaron Swartz Memorial Hackathon Questions

Randy Baxley randy7771026 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 06:36:57 CET 2013

The first is about group 2,

I was very encouraged by those who saw the need for a more visual trip
planner and the putting together of a description for one.  Last week I
spent a little time putting my basic definition of the project into my
github and if anyone sees any holes in the definition and wants to flesh
out some of it please let me know.  Moving into the new year I hope to get
down to some actual coding of the pieces and hope to do so in a manner that
others will be comfortable using pieces of for whatever purpose in the
future.  Though the main thought from me was to make it more useful for
those traveling to new locations and with mobility issues I hope to have
input and have it serve others better who have other issues with the
current planners.  The github is:


There is this google doc that expands the job search part and needs to be
included in the github and then the github link one of us needs to add to
atrium but I am not sure where to do that and do not remember if I have
access to that.


As most of you know my skill level is basic python so I need some growth as
well or help with the web side of this and either going ahead with what
java already exist and making changes there or doing a rewrite to python.

There are also questions as to where to house / host this.  I understand
that rackspace and Smart Chicago Collaborative are options but do not want
to make a unilateral decision that would not be an open one and I also need
guidance on using others code mentioned in the readme as to what is open
and what is not.

The second question is about the archived listserve and I have forgotten
the word for when we used to have servers that could cross two area codes
and messages were sort of pony expressed through them.  Anyway specifically
I would love to get my hands on post I made in the 90s on what eventually
became yahoo but iirc had two names before it became Yahoo groups.

Thank you,

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