[Chicago] OT: Need a new hosting service

Skip Montanaro skip at python.org
Wed Aug 21 04:38:11 CEST 2013

Apologies for the largely off-topic post, but I know many people here
are heavily web-centric.  My web work pretty much ended a decade ago.

GoDaddy completely sucks.  I need to move my stuff somewhere else.  I
just have a few HTML files and want to run a small wiki.  Unix shell
access would be great, but if only a web interface is available, it
has to be better the GD's.  Who makes their customers wait a week
after enabling server error logs until they can view them?  Heck, who
turns error logs off by default?  You encounter a problem you want to
look into it now, not a week from now.

Off-list replies are fine.  I don't want to waste a bunch of bandwidth
unPythonic stuff.



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