[Chicago] Machine learning, all the cool kids are doing it.

Paul Katsen pkpp1233 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 17:13:28 CEST 2013

I'd be interested. Especially the python part.

On Apr 29, 2013 6:55 AM, "Jason Wirth" <wirth.jason at gmail.com> wrote:

> The Coursera Machine Learning class taught by Andrew Ng at Stanford (
> https://www.coursera.org/course/ml) just started (4/22) and I'm
> interested if anyone wants to work through it with me. I've taken this
> course before but only got about half way through it before getting busy
> and "dropping out."
> MOOCs are great, but they lack the community needed to have a successful
> learning experience. More importantly, learning happens by doing--not by
> watching videos--whether it's teaching someone else the material, working
> through problems with a partner, or adapting the problems to be relevant
> for your projects & internests.
> One of the downsides about the course is that it uses Octave, not Python.
> Despite that we could easily code the problems in Octave, then port them to
> Python & Numpy or use equivalent functions in Scikts.learn.
> So this time around I'm hoping to find someone interested in going through
> it together, particularly with a Python focus. Any takers?
> --
> Jason Wirth
>     213.675.5294
>     wirth.jason at gmail.com
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