[Chicago] pydev

Brian Toby Brian.Toby at ANL.gov
Thu Apr 25 00:32:06 CEST 2013

On Apr 24, 2013, at 4:38 PM, Kenneth Stox wrote:

> cat - > filename is all that is really needed. 
> Editors are for people who just couldn't handle punchcards.

In that case, pry out the backspace key from your keyboard. The IBM 029 did not have one of those. Press the wrong key, discard the card. Copy and paste between cards: sure, but only if the columns line up. 

The only thing I miss from the old kilobyte days is having a complete set of VAX manuals -- that explained *everything* along with programming examples in several languages -- instead of today's "undocumented features", but nothing could get me to go back to computing with punch cards. 


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