[Chicago] strange None tailing

Ted Pollari pollari.lists at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 21:24:22 CEST 2013

The print function adds a new line. Add a coma after it, i.e.:

def test(f):
  print >>f, "zzzz",

or, if you can assume f always has a write method, the more correct way would be:

def test(f):

hope that helps,

p.s.: for a more verbose write-up, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/493386/how-to-print-in-python-without-newline-or-space

On Apr 11, 2013, at 9:41 PM, shangyu <yushang at outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi dear all,
> I've wrote the following Python code :
> def test(f):
>   print >>f, "zzzz"
> def main():
>   f = open("test.cfg","w")
>   test(f)
>   f.close(
> when open the test.cfg file I got the following lines
> zzzz
> None

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