[Chicago] Python Office Hours this Thursday

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Mon Apr 1 19:02:12 CEST 2013

Hi everyone,

It's time again for Python Office Hours this Thursday. This week I am going
to pick an interesting algorithm and data structure to talk about for 5 to
15 minutes. If that turns out well, then we can make it a regular feature.

Lengthy description about office hours here:

meetup RSVP here (helpful, but not required):

For future office hours, I would like to see if people are interested in
walking through Cracking the Coding Interview, <
We've had questions about coding interviews at meetings.

This book was recommended in a mailing list. They suggested working through
every other problem ahead of time, with real-time interview practice for
the problems people haven't looked at. We could perhaps do the same for
office hours.

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