[Chicago] Chicago Urban Sustainability Hackathon - Oct 5-7

Daniel Fehrenbach dnfehrenbach at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 16:54:11 CEST 2012

Hi Python folks,

My organization, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, is sponsoring
a hackathon around the idea of 'Reinventing Chicago" at Tech Nexus
Friday October 5th through Sunday the 7th. Developers, designers etc
with ideas for improving transportation, water or energy use or
understanding for people in Chicago is welcome. Subject experts from
CNT will be there to offer advice and suggestions while you work and
on Sunday each project will be judged by entrepreneurs, venture
capitalists and urban thinkers with prizes for the winning team.

More information and registration lick can be found here -

If you have any questions let me know.

Dan Fehrenbach

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