[Chicago] Nov 3: Cereal && Code

Chad Glendenin chad at glendenin.com
Wed Oct 17 01:42:13 CEST 2012

We're hosting an event for people to just come hack on whatever they
want to work on:


Make some progress on whatever project you're currently working on,
meet some other hackers and work on a project with them, eat some
Golden Grahams, watch some retro Saturday-morning cartoons, and have a
good time.

This event is targeted toward developers, designers, anyone who builds
things or has work to do and wants a time/place to hunker down and
make some progress on their project. There's been some discussion on
the list recently about a Python bug day on October 27th. We already
set this up for November 3rd (but didn't promote it until now, oops)
because we didn't want to get in the way of anybody's Halloween
parties. So instead of competing with Python bug day, maybe this can
be a complement to it.

Eric and I (Python and Django developers ourselves) decided to put
this together because we feel there are a lot of events around Chicago
for people to schmooze, but not enough events for people who actually
build stuff to hunker down and hack in the presence of others. As Eric
says, the coffee-shop circuit can be a lonely existence, and paying
100 bucks to go to a hackathon, only to be pitched by idea men who
want you to build their product for them for free is frustrating.

It's 5 bucks a head, just because we want to buy cereal, milk, bowls,
and spoons for everyone. The leftover cash is going to go to
VentureShot, our host, or if they don't care, we'll just take the
remaining cash and buy beer and scotch for anyone who sticks around
long enough.

Sign up!


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