[Chicago] MediaGoblin fundraiser w/ the FSF launches

Christopher Allan Webber cwebber at dustycloud.org
Thu Oct 11 00:00:03 CEST 2012

Yo all,

Those of you who have been around with ChiPy long enough probably know
who I am, and have maybe even heard me talk about my pet project, GNU
MediaGoblin.  It's basically a python, free and open source software
decentralized replacement for YouTube, Flickr, SoundCloud, etc.

Well!  I quit my job at Creative Commons to persue it full time.  And
we're now doing a fundraiser in conjunction with the FSF to try to raise
funds for development:


Being born and raised on Python at ChiPy, this is in a sense YOUR
project!  Help make a ChiPy success story and spread the word and
donate.  Also, be sure to watch the video, I spent a god-damned month on
it. ;)

Also, an article about us in Linux Pro Magazine:


Anyway, anything you can do to help is appreciated!  Wish me
luck... we're going to need it!  But with your help we can make it

Go free and open source python web applications written by Chicagoans!
(Or Chicago-trained ;))

 - cwebb

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