[Chicago] Introduce Yourself

Clyde Forrester clydeforrester at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 06:44:28 CEST 2012

I'm Clyde Forrester. I have been programming for quite awhile, and when 
Business Basic went out of fashion over a decade ago, I started studying 
the newer languages. I've worked with over a dozen of them, but I'm 
strongest in Perl, Python, and C.

I've been sort of sidetracked lately, as I'm going for a certification 
in SQL Server Development. This has also brought on a schedule conflict 
for the foreseeable future, since the local SQL group meets at the same 
time as ChiPy.

My current interest is in:
1. Learning how to access various database servers from many programming 
2. Learning how to use that to make sense of all the genetic data which 
is soon to come pouring out of the next generation sequencers.
3. And eventually being able to present all that information in an easy 
to understand way.

Kevin Harriss wrote:
> Hey all,
> I noticed some new list members introducing themselves in the ChiPy
> Love thread earlier and thought an Introduction thread would be a good
> way to introduce ourselves and our interests in python. I will get
> this fun started and look forward to some more introductions from
> others.

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