[Chicago] CFP for python on android talks for Chicago Android & GTUG October 2012 or chipy

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Mon Oct 1 18:50:32 CEST 2012

I'm changing the subject line to make this request more obvious.

Uki wants python speakers!
Chicago Android & GTUG meeting is Wednesday, October 10.
Details: http://chicagoandroid201210.eventbrite.com/

On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 10:50 PM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
> Our local Andriod/Mobile Guru, is pushing to get a presenter the for
> his meeting (ChicagoAndriod.com and Google Technology User Group) the
> night before:
>   http://chicagoandroid201210.eventbrite.com/
> (also ref: http://chicagoandroid.com/forum/topics/event-python-for-android-with-sl3a-app)
> I do recall some Andriod talks of our own in the past. Questions: A)
> can someone help Uki out and present on this topic at his meeting and
> B) can someone help ChiPy out and present on this topic at our
> meeting.
> PS I need to take off early next meeting, so could use someone's help
> closing up-- or we could just stop pretent like I am actually helpful
> closing up. Carl?

Carl's been the de facto closer-upper at most of the meetings. Is
there anything else he needs to do? Any requests from meeting hosts?


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