[Chicago] Two last procratinating questions

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Wed Nov 14 16:33:00 CET 2012

The reality is that you'd probably find it difficult to get a shop to
say that it isn't following agile processes.

So, when I have this kind of question, it's usually in the context of
trying to figure out what a place is *really* like. For example, I
worked at some place that had a morning "stand-up" that was really a
never ending status meeting.

You can't just come out and ask a recruiter whether people at their
company are coding cowboys who break the build all the time like
maniacs or are "heros" who think they are awesome for fixing something
at 2 am in a coffee haze in only! 151!1 minutes rather than doing
things in sensible way to begin with, the jersk.

So, I dunno, I might ask why they are hiring (high turnover? bad
sign). What kinds of ci tools they use (clueless answers would be a
bad sign).

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Randall Baxley <rlbax777 at swbell.net> wrote:
> A few years back I attended a PM meeting at AT & T in Hoffman Estates and
> then another at Thoughtworks am impressed.  Was just wondering if these
> processes were used in Python shops.
> Randy
> --- On Wed, 11/14/12, sheila miguez <shekay at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, that was also my reaction, which is why I asked for more details.
> Randall, most places follow agile methodologies (to varying degrees of
> success). Do you have followup questions?


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