[Chicago] Nov 3: Cereal && Code

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 20:33:23 CET 2012

Oh, ehh, sold out! Unless we code a code from Chad, right ;)

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 6:42 PM, Chad Glendenin <chad at glendenin.com> wrote:

> We're hosting an event for people to just come hack on whatever they
> want to work on:
> http://www.cereal-and-code.com/
> Make some progress on whatever project you're currently working on,
> meet some other hackers and work on a project with them, eat some
> Golden Grahams, watch some retro Saturday-morning cartoons, and have a
> good time.
> This event is targeted toward developers, designers, anyone who builds
> things or has work to do and wants a time/place to hunker down and
> make some progress on their project. There's been some discussion on
> the list recently about a Python bug day on October 27th. We already
> set this up for November 3rd (but didn't promote it until now, oops)
> because we didn't want to get in the way of anybody's Halloween
> parties. So instead of competing with Python bug day, maybe this can
> be a complement to it.
> Eric and I (Python and Django developers ourselves) decided to put
> this together because we feel there are a lot of events around Chicago
> for people to schmooze, but not enough events for people who actually
> build stuff to hunker down and hack in the presence of others. As Eric
> says, the coffee-shop circuit can be a lonely existence, and paying
> 100 bucks to go to a hackathon, only to be pitched by idea men who
> want you to build their product for them for free is frustrating.
> It's 5 bucks a head, just because we want to buy cereal, milk, bowls,
> and spoons for everyone. The leftover cash is going to go to
> VentureShot, our host, or if they don't care, we'll just take the
> remaining cash and buy beer and scotch for anyone who sticks around
> long enough.
> Sign up!
> Thanks,
> chad
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Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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