[Chicago] [OT] Indianapolis Python Workshop, April 13th-14th

Aisha Halim aishahalim at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 04:41:24 CEST 2012

I know it'll be quite a trek to get there, but do spread the word to
interested parties near/in Indiana.



for women and their friends

A hands-on, genuine beginners' introduction to computer programming
April 13-14
No cost


Our goal is to widen and diversify the computer programming community
with outreach events that overcome the technical and social barriers
that hold too many people back from learning to program.  Basic
programming skills are so empowering and useful that we think everyone
should have them, whether those skills lead to a career, a new hobby,
an occasional handy trick, or just a deeper understanding of the
computers that surround us.  We'll borrow the curriculum - and some of
the teachers! - from the famously successful Boston Python Workshop,
which has already brought programming skills to dozens of women and
their friends.

Please get more details and RSVP at

Mel Chua: http://blog.melchua.com/contact/
Catherine Devlin: catherine.devlin at gmail.com

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