[Chicago] python workshops for beginners

Daniel Peters danieltpeters at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 23:15:15 CEST 2012

complete guess, but there's a Linux-oriented computer recycling place
literally down the street from my house. I'd be totally down to go and put
up a poster/sheet of paper, etc, maybe even duck into one of the meetings
and make an announcement if they're cool with that.  Its Free Geek Chicago


while there are a lot of men, I've also seen many women there.   I haven't
ever devoted the time to do the "build a box" program but I think
individuals who *are* willing to put in that kind of time would also
probably be those who get a lot out of these python tutorials.  Given how
much I like to ask questions at meetings it might surprise you to know that
I also get nervous speaking directly, and it would be doubly anxious to go
and speak, as a man, encouraging women to come learn python.  But I would
be happy to try!  Can't be anymore awkward then weed and coffee fueled
questions about self driving cars and the legislature of Nevada!

Seriously though, I'd be happy to put up a flyer, and I think it might
actually get a few people.  Let me know off list.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:25 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Brian Curtin <brian at python.org> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 9:21 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > http://lgilchrist.com/how-we-got-50-women-to-our-hackathon/ has some
> > great ideas and areas to consider when putting this event together.
> >
> > The "be student-friendly" part is especially important with the number
> > of colleges we have in the area, but it may be a bit early since I can
> > never remember when everyone goes back to school.
> Thanks for the url and advice.
> One of my coworkers who is helping has worked on Flourish in the past
> at UIC, and she has helped get the word out to friends at UIC and
> other colleges. I've seen people signing up on the meetup event who
> mention being in college, so I think it helped.
> Once we have the event we can see how well we got the word out to
> students (and also beginners) by looking at who attended. If we don't
> have many, we'll know we need to improve on recruitment. I already
> think I need to do better at finding people new to programming,
> because we have software developers who've signed up. I had expected
> more beginners.
> --
> sheila
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