[Chicago] ChiPy PyCon and ChiPy Loop... Help!

J. D. Jordan zanson at zanson.org
Thu Feb 23 21:48:17 CET 2012

PyCon OpenSpace, how about @7:00 on Friday?  Talks end @6:00 gives
people an hour to grab food, go back to their room, what ever.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 9:17 PM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
> Need a bit of help here. We did get a offer to host in March from a
> new venue. And we have a venue in April I will name later to avoid
> confusion.  The April one I find pretty interesting and I doubt anyone
> will complain :) Let's just say they are very big in the tech scene
> here in Chicago.
> We also have an OpenSpace on Friday at PyCon. Not really sure when we
> should have our meeting. Does anyone know the schedule better than me
> who can suggest some times? We will for sure need to align some
> speakers. Likewise, will have a mini-awards ceremony. There are some
> Chipy "alumni" (for lack of better name) on this list who will also be
> interested to know we are having a meeting; likewise, this will be an
> opportunity to present.
> Back to the Loop Chipy, if you guys want to have it someone needs to
> speak up and help organize. I can give you a name to explore the venue
> option. At first, I did not think it was a good option because it
> sounded like it would hold under 45. Nonetheless, in this case it may
> just work.
> Your thoughts?
> --
> Brian Ray
> @brianray
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