[Chicago] Accepting nominations for chipy pycon attendees

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Wed Feb 8 20:20:47 CET 2012

Greetings all,

Chipy is able to sponsor three registrations for pycon. Please send
nominations to me, via email, or speak to me in person at the chipy
meeting on Thursday. Tell me a little bit about your who you are
nominating and why you would like them to attend pycon. Feel free to
nominate yourself.

Please speak up for people who would not normally speak up for themselves.

I will approach a few volunteers to help me sort through suggestions
after the meeting tomorrow.

I realize this is last minute, and I apologize for that. We are a
little new at this, and didn't get our act together until today. Next
year we will do better. After pycon we can have a retrospective on how
to improve this process.

Thanks kindly


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