[Chicago] finding python programmers

Kevin Harriss special.kevin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 20:17:50 CEST 2012

> So we're left with a big vacuum of real talent. Combine this with every
> company wanting you to move out to the valley, which is a no-go for many in
> a job pool where the median age is going up (hard to just pick up a family),
> and you see the predicament.

Another factor contributing to the ratio of more jobs than qualified
employees is that you aren't just competing with a handful of "hot"
startups but also individuals that have the desire to attempt to
launching their own idea. You have incubators in most major cities and
in some case even multiple per city. The tools required to launch your
own idea has significantly lowered, you no longer need to have a
datacenter you can just push to heroku or fire up an EC2 instance.

Along with this even more companies that don't just sell a digital
product are looking for developers. You can see companies,
universities and non-profits hiring more and more developers to do in
house apps or just wrangle various applications together.


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