[Chicago] Posting jobs to list and finding work through ChiPy

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 18:29:07 CEST 2012

Right now, we are allowing job posts for Python jobs in Chicago (must
be in Chicago) on the ChiPy list.

We recommend a donation of $500-$1000 per hire to ChiPy from the HR
company or the Employer. With this money we fund meetings and do
things like send students to PyCon. It is a donation; however, we will
certainly put more work into this as volunteers and stand behind our
placements--yes, all those who run ChiPy are volunteers such as
myself. You can also sponsor meetings and that will give you an
opportunity to present yourself in person to the group.

If you are a job searcher or a company looking to hire great Python
developers and you want more personalized attention, contact me off
the list with a Resume or Job Posting, respectively, and I will send
you a list of what is out there. We have referred a ton this last
couple years and most results have been successful.

On a side note, I just moderated a bunch of postings. Sorry for the
delay. I do recommend you actually join the list before postings to
help avoid moderation delays.

Cheers, Brian

Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717

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