[Chicago] Django Seminar - I still have spaces left for those that would like to come.

Julie Bell jmwebstuff at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 15 22:22:07 CEST 2012

We are having a 3 hour Seminar on Using Django for creating a Web-Site.

 are planning of doing a hands-on creating of a web-site using Django. 

This will be very much a
beginner's introduction - we're aiming at people who have some Python
knowledge, but have never done a Django app (or maybe even a web app)
before. The application will be pretty simple - really just a way to
see how the basics work.

It will be at the College of Lake County
Grayslake Campus

Room: T238

Time: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Date: Saturday, April 28, 2012 

Presenter: Vern Ceder

Current CLC Students - Free
Non-CLC Student - requesting a $5.00 donation.

Space is limited  ....  Please reserve your space now!!!

Please send me a RSVP to clcllinuxclub at gmail.com if you are planning
on coming.

If you RSVP and can't make it, please email to un-RSVP as space is
limited and someone else can use it.

Email me with Questions!


Julie Bell
CLC Linux Club
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