[Chicago] Several items that may be of interest to group members

Jonathan Tonkin tonkinjs at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 11:13:05 CEST 2011


While this may not be directly related to group topics, here are several items that may be of interest to group members.

1.) (shortest first) The Chicago Chapter of the ACM is now on Facebook and Twitter.  Join our Facebook Group (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=59120137059) or follow us on Twitter (username:  chicagoacm).

2.) Next ACM Meeting: September 14, 2011

Next Chapter Meeting: Improving the Transit Experience with TransitGenie 

A joint Chicago Chapter ACM / Loyola University Computer Science Department meeting

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 
5:30 pm (Social Hour, light refreshments)
6:30 pm Presentation

Loyola University Water Tower Campus (Chicago/Michigan Area)
111 E. Pearson Street, Chicago IL 60611
Beane Ballroom (13th Floor, Lewis Towers)

Campus map: http://www.luc.edu/about/pdfs/wtc_may09.pdf

Admission: Free (General Admission, No Reserved Seats) 
Details at http://www.chicagoacm.org/.

Topic: Drivers have long enjoyed the benefits of GPS navigation systems in their cars. However, transit riders are not so lucky.

Since 2009, the BITS laboratory at UIC has been developing TransitGenie, a context-aware, real-time transit navigation system. Dr. Eriksson will discuss some of the challenges faced in developing TransitGenie, the design and motivation behind the system, their experiences interacting with transit riders and transit agencies over the past year, and upcoming developments.

Speaker: Dr. Jakob Eriksson is an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Prior to joining UIC in 2009, he spent two years at MIT as a postdoctoral associate, and received his Ph.D. at the University of California, Riverside.

Reservations: To make a reservation, use this form:


or send an e-mail to greg at neumarke.net


Jonathan Tonkin
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