[Chicago] PyPy

Brian Herman brianherman at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 13:13:56 CEST 2011

Oh, I thought you were talking about speed, I would recommend it to anyone
but if you want to be slow you can always use C python.
Pypy is 2.7 compatible.

Arigatou gozaimasu,
(Thank you very much)
Brian Herman

brianherman at acm.org

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 6:11 AM, Brian Herman <brianherman at gmail.com> wrote:

> http://speed.pypy.org/
> Arigatou gozaimasu,
> (Thank you very much)
> Brian Herman
> brianjherman.com
> brianherman at acm.org
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Tal Liron <tal.liron at threecrickets.com>wrote:
>> For the people recommending PyPy right now, a serious question:
>> Who would you recommend PyPy to? Assume a user or dev who does not care
>> about speed benchmarks.
>> On 07/24/2011 10:13 PM, Brian Herman wrote:
>>  +1 for PYPY
>>> Arigatou gozaimasu,
>>> (Thank you very much)
>>> Brian Herman
>>> brianjherman.com <http://brianjherman.com>
>>> brianherman at acm.org <mailto:brianherman at acm.org>
>>> On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor at gmail.com<mailto:
>>> alex.gaynor at gmail.com>**> wrote:
>>>    On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Tal Liron
>>>    <tal.liron at threecrickets.com <mailto:tal.liron@**threecrickets.com<tal.liron at threecrickets.com>
>>> >>
>>>    wrote:
>>>        JVM 7 will have some neat features, but they haven't been
>>>        stabilized yet, and at this point it's mostly experimentation.
>>>        Fact is, even though JVM 6 has been out for a few years
>>>        already, many deployments still stick to JVM 5. It does the
>>>        job, and "upgrades" have their costs, money and otherwise. I
>>>        choose JVM for my project not because of speed, but because of
>>>        the maturity of the platform, which includes administration
>>>        tools, monitoring, security, and several best-in-class 3rd
>>>        party libraries. It's nice to know that performance is very
>>>        high up there if I really need it (at which case I just "drop
>>>        down" to Java, rather than use a dynamic JVM language).
>>>        The whole Jython codebase could use some help... it's even
>>>        messier than CPython's, if that's possible. There's a lot of
>>>        room for optimization, even before igniting JVM 7 shortcuts,
>>>        though it will surely be at the cost of regressions and
>>>        stability.Luckily, there's a decent test suite, which makes it
>>>        easy to experiment for. The Jython community would LOVE help,
>>>        and it doesn't have to be just in terms of coding. Their
>>>        recent big project was to move the whole codebase from
>>>        Subversion to Mercurial. Another big item on the todo list is
>>>        to get up to date with Python 3. (Jython = Python 2.5
>>>        formally, though it has quite a few 2.6 additions.)
>>>        Jython also has some nice collaboration with JRuby, including
>>>        people who work on both projects. But, what I would make me
>>>        happier is if there was real code sharing, allowing for a
>>>        dynamic core that would work well for both projects.
>>>        Anyway. I guess I'm always confused by what people mean by
>>>        "faster." What are you trying to code for, exactly? Where is
>>>        your bottleneck? What is your funding? It's more likely that
>>>        (although not necessarily) what you really are looking for is
>>>        "scalability," for which shear computational performance is
>>>        likely not the real issue. If money is coming, getting more
>>>        expensive, faster machines may do the trick better than any
>>>        JVM 7 optimization.
>>>        If you just want a command line tool that starts fast, JVM is
>>>        *not* where you want to go. It has notoriously slow startup,
>>>        for exactly those mechanisms that make it perform so well as
>>>        it runs.
>>>        Another way to look at "faster" is as a way to save money.
>>>        Weird, huh? But consider Facebook's HipHop project. (Sorry
>>>        that all of my examples are from the web arena; it's where I
>>>        mostly work these days.) The issue was not that PHP was
>>>        "slow," it was that when you have 1,000 machines running at
>>>        90% CPU, a faster PHP runtime means that you can use 800
>>>        machines, instead, for the same workload. A few orders of
>>>        magnitude forward, and savings can be enormous.
>>>        If you have a project with 1,000 machines running at 90% CPU,
>>>        please hire me! It may be very worthwhile for you to create a
>>>        more performant Python runtime (JVM-based or not), and I'd
>>>        love to be paid to do that. :) And it would also make a lot of
>>>        irrational Python speed freaks happy.
>>>        -Tal
>>>    <minor derail>
>>>    No offense, but if you want a more performant Python runtime, it's
>>>    here today: http://speed.pypy.org/, no need to start from scratch.
>>>    </minor derail>
>>>    Alex
>>>        On 07/24/2011 06:18 PM, John Stoner wrote:
>>>            Jython's not bad. I've used it a lot, and it plays well
>>>            with lots of Java APIs. Pretty slick, actually. I hear
>>>            Java 1.7 has some new dynamic features at the JVM level. I
>>>            always imagined Jython would run a lot faster if it took
>>>            advantage of them. Tal, do you know if there's any work on
>>>            that? Googling around a bit I'm not seeing much.
>>>            On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Joshua Herman
>>>            <zitterbewegung at gmail.com
>>>            <mailto:zitterbewegung at gmail.**com <zitterbewegung at gmail.com>
>>> >
>>>            <mailto:zitterbewegung at gmail.**com <zitterbewegung at gmail.com>
>>>            <mailto:zitterbewegung at gmail.**com <zitterbewegung at gmail.com>>>>
>>> wrote:
>>>               At least erlang works for the use cases. I wasn't aware
>>>            that Jython
>>>               was that powerful I will have to play with it.
>>>               On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Tal Liron
>>>            <tal.liron at threecrickets.com
>>>            <mailto:tal.liron@**threecrickets.com<tal.liron at threecrickets.com>
>>> >
>>>            <mailto:tal.liron@**threecrickets.com<tal.liron at threecrickets.com>
>>>            <mailto:tal.liron@**threecrickets.com<tal.liron at threecrickets.com>
>>> >>>
>>>               wrote:
>>>            > There is an alternative: Jython, which is Python on the
>>>            JVM, and
>>>               has no GIL.
>>>            > It's real, it works, and has a very open community. If
>>>            you want
>>>               to do
>>>            > high-concurrency in Python, it's the way to go. (And it has
>>>               other advantages
>>>            > and disadvantages, of course.)
>>>            >
>>>            >
>>>            > I am always a bit frightened by community attempts to
>>>            create new
>>>               virtual
>>>            > machines for favorite languages in order to solve problem X.
>>>               This shows a
>>>            > huge under-estimation of what it means to create a
>>>            robust, reliable,
>>>            > performative generic platform. Consider how many really
>>>            reliable
>>>               versions of
>>>            > the C standard library out there -- and how many decades
>>>            they
>>>               took to
>>>            > mature, even with thousands of expert eyes poring over
>>>            the code
>>>               and testing
>>>            > it. And this is without duck typing (or ANY typing), data
>>>               integrity, scoping
>>>            > (+call/cc), tail recursion, or any other of the other
>>>            huge (and
>>>               exciting)
>>>            > challenges required to run a dynamic language like Python.
>>>            >
>>>            >
>>>            > So, it's almost amusing to see projects like Rubinius or
>>>            Parrot
>>>               come to be.
>>>            > Really? This is the best use of our time and effort? I'm
>>>            equally
>>>               impressed
>>>            > by the ballsiness of Erlang to create a new virtual
>>>            machine from
>>>               scratch.
>>>            >
>>>            >
>>>            > But those are rather unique histories. CPython has it's own
>>>               unique history.
>>>            > Not many people realize this, but Python is about 6
>>>            years older
>>>               than Java,
>>>            > and the JVM would take another decade before reaching
>>>               prominence. JavaScript
>>>            > engines (running in web browsers only) at the time were
>>>               terrible, and Perl
>>>            > was entirely interpreted (no VM). So, in fact, CPython was
>>>               written where
>>>            > there was no really good platform for dynamic languages. It
>>>               wasn't a matter
>>>            > of hubris ("not invented here") to build a VM from scratch;
>>>               there was simply
>>>            > no choice.
>>>            >
>>>            >
>>>            > Right now, though, there are many good choices. People
>>>            like Rich
>>>               Hickey
>>>            > (Clojure) and Martin Odersky (Scala) have it right in
>>>            targeting
>>>               the JVM,
>>>            > although both projects are also exploring .NET/Mono. If
>>>            Python
>>>               were invented
>>>            > today, I imagine it also would start with "Jython,"
>>>            instead of
>>>               trying to
>>>            > reinvent the wheel (well, reinvent a whole damn car fleet,
>>>               really, in terms
>>>            > of the work required).
>>>            >
>>>            >
>>>            > One caveat: I think there is room for "meta-VM" projects
>>>            like
>>>               PyPy and LLVM.
>>>            > These signify a real progress in architecture, whereas "yet
>>>               another dynamic
>>>            > VM" does not.
>>>            >
>>>            >
>>>            > -Tal
>>>            >
>>>            >
>>>            > On 07/24/2011 02:56 PM, Jason Rexilius wrote:
>>>            >
>>>            >> I also have to quote:
>>>            >>
>>>            >> "rather that, for problems for which shared-memory
>>>            concurrency is
>>>            >> appropriate (read: the valid cases to complain about
>>>            the GIL),
>>>               message
>>>            >> passing will not be, because of the marshal/unmarshal
>>>            overhead
>>>               (plus data
>>>            >> size/locality ones)."
>>>            >>
>>>            >>
>>>            >> I have to say this is some of the best discussion in
>>>            quite a
>>>               while. Dave's
>>>            >> passionate response is great as well as others. I think the
>>>               rudeness, or
>>>            >> not, is kinda besides the point.
>>>            >>
>>>            >> There is a valid point to be made about marshal/unmarshal
>>>               overhead in
>>>            >> situations where data-manipulation-concurrency AND _user
>>>               expectation_ or
>>>            >> environmental constraints apply.  I think that's why people
>>>               have some
>>>            >> grounds to be unhappy with the GIL concept (for me its a
>>>               concept) in certain
>>>            >> circumstances. Tal is dead on in that "scalability" means
>>>               different things.
>>>            >>
>>>            >> Oddly, I'm more engaged in this as an abstract comp sci
>>>               question than a
>>>            >> specific python question.  The problem set applies across
>>>               languages.
>>>            >>
>>>            >> The question I would raise is if, given that an engineer
>>>               understands the
>>>            >> problem he is facing, are there both tools in the
>>>            toolbox?  Is
>>>               there an
>>>            >> alternative to GIL for the use-cases where it is not
>>>            the ideal
>>>               solution?
>>>            >>
>>>            >> BTW, I will stand up for IPC as one of the tools in the
>>>            toolbox
>>>               to deal
>>>            >> with scale/volume/speed/concurrency problems.
>>>            >>
>>>            >>
>>>            >> On 7/24/11 1:58 PM, Tal Liron wrote:
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>> I would say that there's truth in both approaches.
>>>               "Scalability" means
>>>            >>> different things at different levels of scale. A web
>>>            example: the
>>>            >>> architecture of Twitter or Facebook is nothing like the
>>>               architecture of
>>>            >>> even a large Django site. It's not even the same
>>>            problem field.
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>> A good threading model can be extremely efficient at
>>>            certain
>>>               scales. For
>>>            >>> data structures that are mostly read, not written,
>>>               synchronization is
>>>            >>> not a performance issue, and you get the best throughput
>>>               possible in
>>>            >>> multicore situations. The truly best scalability would be
>>>               achieved by a
>>>            >>> combined approach: threading on a single node, message
>>>            passing
>>>               between
>>>            >>> nodes. Programming for that, though, is a nightmare
>>>            (unless
>>>               you had a
>>>            >>> programming language that makes both approaches
>>>            transparent)
>>>               and so
>>>            >>> usually at the large scale the latter approach is
>>>            chosen. One
>>>            >>> significant challenge is to make sure that operations that
>>>               MIGHT use the
>>>            >>> same data structures are actually performed on the
>>>            same node,
>>>               so that
>>>            >>> threading would be put to use.
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>> So, what Dave said applies very well to threading,
>>>            too: "you
>>>               still need
>>>            >>> to know what you're doing and how to decompose your
>>>               application to use
>>>            >>> it."
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>> Doing concurrency right is hard. Doing message passing
>>>            right
>>>               is hard.
>>>            >>> Functional (persistent data structure) languages are hard,
>>>               too. Good
>>>            >>> thing we're all such awesome geniuses, bursting with
>>>               experience and a
>>>            >>> desire to learn.
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>> -Tal
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>> On 07/23/2011 01:40 PM, David Beazley wrote:
>>>            >>>
>>>            >>>>> "high performance just create multi processes that
>>>            message" very
>>>            >>>>> rarely have
>>>            >>>>> I heard IPC and high performance in the same sentence.
>>>            >>>>>
>>>            >>>>> Alex
>>>            >>>>>
>>>            >>>> Your youth and inexperience is the only reason would
>>>            make a
>>>               statement
>>>            >>>> that ignorant. Go hang out with some people doing
>>>            Python and
>>>            >>>> supercomputing for awhile and report back---you will find
>>>               that almost
>>>            >>>> significant application is based on message passing
>>>            (e.g.,
>>>               MPI). This
>>>            >>>> is because message passing has proven itself to be
>>>            about the
>>>               only sane
>>>            >>>> way of scaling applications up to run across
>>>            thousands to tens of
>>>            >>>> thousands of CPU cores.
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>> I speak from some experience as I was writing such
>>>            software
>>>               for large
>>>            >>>> Crays, Connection Machines, and other systems when I
>>>            first
>>>               discovered
>>>            >>>> Python back in 1996. As early as 1995, our group had done
>>>               performance
>>>            >>>> experiments comparing threads vs. message passing on some
>>>            >>>> multiprocessor SMP systems and found that threads
>>>            just didn't
>>>               scale or
>>>            >>>> perform as well as message passing even on machines
>>>            with as
>>>               few as 4
>>>            >>>> CPUs. This was all highly optimized C code for
>>>            numerics (i.e., no
>>>            >>>> Python or GIL).
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>> That said, in order to code with message passing, you
>>>            still
>>>               need to
>>>            >>>> know what you're doing and how to decompose your
>>>            application
>>>               to use it.
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>> Cheers,
>>>            >>>> Dave
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>>
>>>            >>>>
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