[Chicago] Python job in Chicago: Developer at EveryBlock

Adrian Holovaty adrian at holovaty.com
Wed Jul 6 21:24:17 CEST 2011

Hey guys,

We're hiring another developer to work with us at EveryBlock, here in Chicago!

Here's the info: http://blog.everyblock.com/2011/jul/06/job/

We work primarily in Python, though this person will also have a hand
in building mobile applications. We're "Jack-or-Jill of all trades"
people and expect to hire somebody who's equally comfortable writing a
Django view, debugging JavaScript, optimizing database queries, etc.

It's a really great place to work -- the perfect balance of startup
atmosphere and stability of a big company (we're owned by msnbc.com).
And we haven't hired developers very often, so you really should jump
on this. :-)

I'm happy to answer questions if you've got 'em, and one of these
months I'll make it to a Chipy meeting again if I can ever get out of
my Thursday night guitar classes.

Thanks for reading,

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