[Chicago] ChiPy North Venue found

Julie Bell jmwebstuff at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 17 05:29:18 CET 2011

CLC - has lots of "little" rules that I am learning.  I think we are better off pooling our resources to be one club, with 2 meetings with different agendas, unless someone really want to start a Python group.

Here are some of the things I have learned so far. As I am totally new to running any club.

1. All meetings must be scheduled with Student Activities, and have 10 days to 2 weeks notice.
2. They need to have officers that are CLC students (1 credit hour counts as student).
3. They need an advisor at the meeting and for the club.
4. They need to have some sort of fundraiser to raise money for printing expenses and anything  else the "club" wants. 
5. Food at meetings can not be sponsored by club. 
6. The clubs don't normally meet during the summer, unless affiliated with some national group. (Need to verify)
7. A member needs to attend 1 monthly "budget" meetings with Student activities.
8. Yes, they have AV equipment, although if it works with Linux I have no clue.
9. Yes, they have wireless internet, but not available in all rooms. Some have weak signals.
10. Yes, they will help printing black/white but it comes out of the club's budget.

As much as I'd like to see a python group going, I don't have the time to work on it at the present time. If there is a CLC student who would like to head this group, I'll work with them.

I checked libraries. Grayslake is free, if you hold a Grayslake library card to reserve room. The information is on there web-site under meetings. They have a nice room, AV equipment, and some outlets. 

Fremont Library has study rooms for 8 and bigger rooms for more people. Don't know what the rooms look like, ie: power outlets, or other services. Need a Fremont Library card. They have $50.00 room deposit. You get it back. You can reserve up to 12 times per year, once per month.

I'm guessing other libraries have similar policies. You need to reserve the room X days in advance. Then afterward, those that wanted to, could get pizza.

I hope this helps in deciding on a "North" meeting place.

--- On Wed, 2/16/11, Dean Sellis <dean at gianthead.net> wrote:

From: Dean Sellis <dean at gianthead.net>
Subject: Re: [Chicago] ChiPy North Venue found
To: "The Chicago Python Users Group" <chicago at python.org>
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011, 5:56 PM

I spoke with my neighbor that is on the CLC staff and he's going to talk to his colleagues about possibly getting a sponsor for a group at CLC. If we can get a staff sponsor we can use the facilities for free and get a few other perks in the process. This could be in conjunction with Linux group or in addition to it so I'd like to keep Julie in the loop on this too.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Malcolm Newsome <malcolm.newsome at gmail.com> wrote:

@ Tim - an informal meetup would be great!  Especially since this month's

north meeting was canceled.  Someone mentioned Panera before...there are

plenty of those around.  What dates/times work for you all?  My

days/evenings are very flexible. Also, I know of someone that works at CDW

(or at least used to). I will check in with them.

@ken - I like the idea of CLC...makes complete sense.  Do we have a

consensus that we check there first?  I recently ran a workshop at Round

Lake Area Library and have started a good relationship with the Community

Outreach Coordinator there.  They also like to promote events to get the

community involved.   I need to check on their tech setup.  I'm certain

there are some other nice libraries around too.

@ carl -  I definitely learned a lot when I went the Chicago meeting last

week. I was  pretty cool to be able to glean some things from the discussion

even though I am new.  I'm excited and eager to learn more and more!

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