[Chicago] Learn Python - Hack City Data - Aug 31-Sep 2

David Beazley dave at dabeaz.com
Thu Aug 18 20:23:35 CEST 2011


Just a quick note that there are still few slots in my "Practical Python (Chicago Edition)" course scheduled for the end of August.  Details at:


This is an experimental three day class that should be a lot of fun for any Chicago resident that attends.   Basically, it's a mashup of my normal Python class with a set of hands-on exercises that do all sorts of things with data available on the City of Chicago Data Portal (http://data.cityofchicago.org).   So, you'll learn a bunch of Python along with important day-to-day information such as places you can park your fixie that are relatively free of big rats.   I think it will be cool--plus it's super cheap ;-).


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