[Chicago] Strange Loop conference - Oct. 14-15 - St. Louis

Alex Miller alexdmiller at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 15 06:09:56 CEST 2010

Hello chipy,

I run the Strange Loop conference in St. Louis and I wanted to drop a note here 
in case anyone was interested.  Tragically, there are no Python talks included 
in the schedule.  I feel bad about that.  Current attendees list Python as 4th 
of their favorite languages (http://strangeloop2010.com/questions/list/46102) so 
clearly I have screwed up big time.  In my defense though, no one submitted any 
Python talks.  Clearly you should correct that next year!  Don't worry; I'll 
remind you.  

In the event that anyone is still reading, Strange Loop will however include 
many talks on dynamic and functional languages like Clojure, Scala, Groovy, Lua, 
Perl, F#, and Go.  A sampler of a few:

- Eleanor McHugh - GoLightly: Building VM-based Language Runtimes In Go
- Chris Houser - Clojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
- Brian Marick - Outside-in TDD in Clojure
- Dean Wampler - The Seductions of Scala 
- Dean Wampler - Scalable Concurrent Applications with Akka and Scala
- James Carr and Than Som - Full-Stack BDD with Scala
- High Wizardry in the Land of Scala - Daniel Spiewak
- Kyle Cordes - Lua, Tiny Embeddable Scripting that Doesn’t Suck
- Matt Follett - Perl 6 - The Apocalypse
- Aaron Erickson - Using F# To Solve Real World Problems
- Paul King - Writing Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) using Groovy
- Josh Bloch, Bob Lee - Java Puzzlers—Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

In addition to these language talks, you can find dozens of other talks on web 
(HTML 5, JavaScript), scaling apps (with folks from Flickr, Twitter, and more), 
mobile (Android), nosql (MongoDB, Cassandra, Riak, etc) and keynotes by:

- Guy Steele! - How to Think about Parallel Programming: Not!
- Douglas Crockford! - Heresy and Heretical Open Source: A Heretic's Perspective

More info: 
Main:  http://strangeloop2010.com 
Speakers:  http://strangeloop2010.com/speakers 
Schedule:  http://strangeloop2010.com/calendar 
Registration:  https://regonline.com/strangeloop2010  - $190 till Sept. 24th 
(then $250), or $100 for students

It's going to be a fantastic conference and I hope you all can make it despite 
the regrettable lack of Python.  

Alex Miller
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