[Chicago] Perl Follow-up

Clyde Forrester clydeforrester at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 19:54:28 CET 2010

I raised some issues about Perl vs. Python, and I'd like to invite some 
comment and advice.

First, can anyone recommend a properly Pythonic way of doing translations?

One example of such translations would be complementing DNA sequences. 
Translating T to A, A to T, C to G, and G to C.

Another example would be ROT-13 encryption and decryption.

Second, where does one properly look for Python resources such as 
programming examples?

Third, if I forgot an important question, go ahead and answer it anyway.

Finally, I left out an anecdote about regular expressions: Someone 
recently posted a Perl data-parsing problem using regular expressions. 
Many things were suggested and tried. Nothing quite worked. Finally, I 
suggested that since the data seemed to be in fixed columns, that 
substrings should be used instead of pattern matching. It seems to have 
worked. (Oh, but.. but.. but regex is so wicked cool!)


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