[Chicago] Mini-Expo at Flourish 2010 Open Source Conference

Kotian, Ameet Silas S. akotia2 at uic.edu
Thu Mar 11 16:45:29 CET 2010

In previous years, members from Chicago Python Users Group have attended
the Flourish Conference to create awareness about the group. We would like
to invite you again this year for Flourish 2010.

Flourish is a bit earlier this year than in prior years.  Flourish
Conference 2010 will be held on Friday, March 19th and Saturday, March
20th.  As usual, the event will be held at the University of Illinois
at Chicago.  In addition to the mini-expo, this year's Flourish will
host excellent, open source related talks and workshops and a coding
sprint.  More information can be found on our website:

Non-profit organizations, like Chicago Python Users Group, will get a
*free* table at the Mini-expo. But if your organization plans to
demonstrate or advertise some product, the reservations for a Mini-expo
table require a minimal sponsorship of $150.  With that, you also get your
company's logo displayed on nearly every page of the Flourish 2010
website.  More generous sponsorships are rewarded with increased
recognition.  More information can be found on the sponsorship page of our

Thank you for your time.  Please feel free to email me if you have any
questions. I hope that I will see you again at Flourish Conference 2010.

Ameet Kotian
UIC Linux Users Group.

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