[Chicago] RSVP for tonights meeting

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Thu Jun 10 17:44:22 CEST 2010

Don't email me.

Well, feel free to email me, I will converse with anyone.  But don't
expect me to add your name to the list or put in your pizza order.
Unless you can give me an interesting explanation why you need me to.
jpeg or it didn't happen.

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com> wrote:
> If you might attend, please sign up so that security has your name:
> http://chipy.org/FrontPage#sign-up
> add your pizza order in the comments.  and they are personal pizzas,
> so saying you will eat what ever is there is saying you will hope
> someone shares their pizza with you.  which they will, but seems goofy
> to plan on that when you could just get your own.
> I need to make this stuff more clear-er next time.
> Need to run to the post office to see how much it will cost to ship AV
> gear to PyCon Australia.  I'll put the order in when I get back from
> that.
> --
> Carl K

Carl K

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