[Chicago] lightning talks!

Carl Karsten cfkarsten at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 21:39:27 CET 2010

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Kumar McMillan
<kumar.mcmillan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all, Chris has upgraded his blender talk to LIGHTNING status (via
> IRC) so that means we have room for six or more lightning talks at
> Thursday's meeting.  Since we haven't done them in a while, here's the
> deal.  (You probably know the deal.)  Lightning talks are *strictly*
> five minutes long and thus you don't need to kill yourself preparing
> for them.  This is also great for newbies since anyone can put
> together a 5 min talk.  Chris used to make a thunder sound in case the
> speaker goes over the time limit so maybe we can get Cosmin or someone
> else to do that.
> Who's got a lightning talk?  I'll sign up for one...
> 1. Using Python With Blender -- Christopher Allan Webber
> 2. Things That Really Suck About Google App Engine -- Kumar McMillan
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.
> 7.
> 8.
> (reply here and/or edit the wiki http://chipy.org/)
> 7 PM Thursday Feb 11, 2010
> http://www.sullyshouse.com/ -- upstairs
> Carl -- I think we can roll without video on this one (you are a champ
> and deserve a vacation day).

I got Imaginary Landscape to spend $200 on pizza for us in exchange
for putting their logo on the videos.  So I am kinda obligated.  If
someone will work it out with them that it isn't going to happen this
month, that would be great.  I called and left a message, waiting to
hear back from them.

> Hey ChiPy list, this means you have to
> be there on Thursday because it will be THE BEST MEETING EVER.
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Carl K

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