[Chicago] Python April 8, 7pm at ITA

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Sat Apr 3 18:08:33 CEST 2010

Come join us for our best meeting ever!

When: 7 PM Thursday April 8, 2010
Where: ITA

Sign up: http://chipy.org/FrontPage#sign-up

 1. 7:00 What's coming up in 2.7 (Brian Curtin)
 2. 8:00 Pizza (Imaginary Landscape)
 3. 8:15 Twiggy: A Pythonic Logger (Peter Fein)
 4. 8:45 Book Giveaway (O'Reilly)


1. What's coming up in 2.7
Brian Curtin
With 2.7 likely being the end of the 2.x line, come see what's in
store for the upcoming release. Changes to unittest, introduction of
the argparse module, and a whole host of 3.1 features are here to ease
your eventual transition into the wonderful world of Python 3.

2. Pizza
Imaginary Landscape
Local Python shop wants to make sure we don't pass out from
starvation.  Return the favor by visiting http://chicagopython.com

3. Twiggy: A Pythonic Logger
Peter Fein
Twiggy is an early-stage project to build a more Pythonic logging
module. It was started at Pycon 2010.
Home: http://python-twiggy.googlecode.com
See the notes for a quick overview

4. Book Giveaway
Take notes and be ready to answer questions - correct answer gets you a book.

Illinois Technology Association (ITA)
200 S. Wacker Drive
15th Floor
Chicago, IL 60606


Metra: exit on Adams St, walk East across the bridge, first door on the right.

Show your ID to security.  Be on the list or they will be sad.

About the group
ChiPy is made up of people of all levels of programming and Python
knowledge. At every meeting we have had both beginning programmers,
people who are just starting to use Python, as well as experienced
Python programmers. Don't be intimidated about coming to a meeting.

Note that ChiPy is not a formal organization. We collect no dues,
elect no officers, and keep no roster. Signing up for the mailing list
carries no obligation. Nor does showing up at the meetings. Nor, at
least so far, does anything else we have done, although we always
appreciate it when our presenters show up. (They usually do!)

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