[Chicago] separate mailing list for consultants/contractors/freelancers?

Jason Abate jason at panopta.com
Thu Apr 1 17:22:48 CEST 2010

Personally, I think a language-agnostic list that happens to have a 
strong Python bent would be best :-)  We do a lot of Python development 
but also occasionally need other technologies such as Flex, C/C++, etc. 
so it would be great to have one place for all of those. 

Also, the non-technical topics would quite valuable too (if you happen 
to know a good accountant experienced with tech/startup issues I'd love 
to talk to you!)


Jason Abate
jason at panopta.com
Panopta | We see it all

Chad Glendenin wrote:
> I went ahead and created a Google Group for it:
> http://groups.google.com/group/chicago-tech-freelancers
> I was thinking of a language-agnostic group, but focused on Chicago,
> so people could talk about stuff like, "hey, you should go to my
> accountant, who's on Michigan Avenue." I guess I was also thinking it
> would be for general questions about how to run a freelance tech
> business, so it would be relevant to some Rails developers I know.
> Do you think a Python-specific list makes more sense?
> ccg
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Carl Karsten <cfkarsten at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Should this be a python.org list, or a more language nutella list?
>> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Jason Abate <jason at panopta.com> wrote:
>>> Agreed, I think this could be very valuable.
>>> -jason
>>> Jason Abate
>>> jason at panopta.com
>>> Panopta | We see it all
>>> http://www.panopta.com
>>> Tom Printy wrote:
>>>> +1
>>>> I would like to join such a list...
>>>> -Tom
>>>> On Wed, 2010-03-31 at 18:07 -0500, Chad Glendenin wrote:
>>>>> There was a brief discussion about this idea at the last ChiPy
>>>>> meeting... Would anybody be interested in a separate mailing list for
>>>>> people who do consulting, contracting, and other kinds of technical
>>>>> freelance or entrepreneurial work? The idea is that it would be open,
>>>>> so it wouldn't be a place to discuss sensitive/private things like
>>>>> rates or clients, but it would be a place to talk about stuff like
>>>>> which tools to use, and best practices, and things like that. Things
>>>>> that independent Python developers might be interested in, but would
>>>>> be off-topic for ChiPy itself. It should also be relevant beyond
>>>>> Python users (freelance PHP and Rails developers come to mind). For
>>>>> example, is FreshBooks or Harvest a better invoicing tool? What do you
>>>>> use for accounting? How do you keep track of your income or your
>>>>> business expenses?
>>>>> If such a list already exists, please let me know (I didn't find
>>>>> anything with a basic Google search).
>>>>> Also, feel free to contact me privately, because, as I said, it's
>>>>> related to Python but still mostly off-topic for ChiPy.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> ccg
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>> Carl K
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