[Chicago] fishing for talks

Christopher Allan Webber cwebber at dustycloud.org
Tue Nov 3 00:36:45 CET 2009

I'm also going to +1 this.

I'm greatly, greatly interested in this topic.  Plus, there are plenty
of challenges in packaging stuff with python nicely.

It's a talk I've been hoping someone would do for a while :)

Garrett Smith <g at rre.tt> writes:

> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Pete <pfein at pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 1, 2009, at 8:07 PM, Tal Liron wrote:
>>> * Packaging Python for Debian/Ubuntu
>>> I'd give an introduction to the whole Debian distribution system, which is
>>> actually pretty neat, and show you how to push your Python app into a
>>> Personal Package Archive (PPA) on Launchpad, which is not neat at all and in
>>> fact is an undocumented abyss teeming with poisonous, man-eating crocodiles.
>>> I'll save you from the crocodiles.
>> -1 This sounds more like a talk about Debian/Launchpad than Python,
>> something that's going to to be of limited interest to a large %age of our
>> audience.
>> If it can be made to focus specifically on Python issues (ie, how do you go
>> from a distutils/setuptools install script to a .deb?), I'd be more
>> amenable.
> Heh, heh, another opportunity to disagree with Pete :)
> I'll +1 this -- it's got plenty of Python and Tal will make it interesting.
> Garrett
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