[Chicago] fishing for talks

Garrett Smith g at rre.tt
Mon Nov 2 16:36:54 CET 2009

I'd vote to dedicate an entire meeting to this. I'm not suggesting it
be Nov, but this is some pretty sweet stuff and since there's three
contributors, it'd be in keeping with Chipy's tradition of multiple

On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 9:48 PM, William Scullin <wscullin at gmail.com> wrote:
> James Snyder, Nick Romero, Massimo DiPierro and I have a tutorial
> about 3.5 hours in length for Supercomputing 09 in Portland, Oregon
> that we might be able to cut to fit available ChiPy meeting time. We'd
> welcome any option to rehearse and any feedback on slides.
> Time:
> "Python for Scientific and High Performance Computing."
> Content:
> Introductory: 20% Intermediate: 60% Advanced: 20%
> Abstract:
> Python, a high-level portable multi-paradigm interpreted programming
> language is becoming increasingly popular with the scientific and HPC
> communities due to ease of use, large collection of modules,
> adaptability, and strong support from vendors and community alike.
> This tutorial provides an introduction to Python focused on HPC and
> scientific computing. Throughout, we provide concrete examples,
> hands-on examples, and links to additional sources of information. The
> result will be a clear sense of possibilities and best practices using
> Python in HPC environments. We will cover several key concepts:
> language basics, NumPy and SciPy, parallel programming, performance
> issues, integrating C and Fortran, basic visualization, large
> production codes, and finding resources. While it is impossible to
> address all libraries and application domains, at the end participants
> should be able to write a simple application making use of parallel
> programming techniques, visualize the output, and know how to
> confidently proceed with future projects with Python.
> ( http://scyourway.supercomputing.org/conference/view/tut171 )
> Slides:
> http://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AWPA-6VEuhB3ZGd3Z3ducnhfMzJndnAyZ25kbg&hl=en
> - William
> On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com> wrote:
>> It's that time again: time to figure out how to make the best meeting
>> ever.  Talks are always a good idea. What are people working on?  got
>> something to share?  got a problem you would like discussed?
>> Ask what ChiPy can do for you, or what you can do for ChiPy - I don't
>> care as long as it results in someone talking about something.
>> --
>> Carl K
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