[Chicago] Greetings from PPUG (usa.or.pdx)

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Mon May 18 01:09:30 CEST 2009

Hello world to Chipy (Chicago) and Pinoy-Python-Users (Philippines),
the two user groups I currently frequent vicariously (lurk upon), vs.
physically attend.

Portland, Oregon is fortunate to have one of those Coworker spaces
popping up all over (just Twittering about http://tinyurl.com/ols2ja
). Ours is called Cubespace and a lot of the Free Open Source Software
(FOSS) folks meet there, 2nd floor with elevator, part of a US Bank
complex (passed the stress test they say).

To each user group there attach various websites and wikis, blogs
etc., such as this one for JavaScript Admires:  http://pdxjs.com/  --
more state of the art than our Python one maybe:
http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup  (I go to both
when I'm able).

Those interested in DVCS lore might care to drop by my blog for a
recent write-up:

For more Cubespace pix, from an old Barcamp (not the most recent):

Note:  Python.org the website is still in SVN, the edu-sig page
coordinated by Andre Roberge, university president at what's likely to
become one of the greenest campuses on the planet:

http://www.python.org/community/sigs/current/edu-sig/ (you'll find me
linked under miscellaneous, plus I'm a prior architect of page
content, several revisions since my tenure in CVS days).

Python the codebase is moving (has moved?) to hg (Mercurial), eating
our own dog food as it were.

PDX PPUG co-organizer
(with Jason and Michelle)

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