[Chicago] make some text a link via css or javascript

Cosmin Stejerean cosmin at offbytwo.com
Thu May 14 21:07:57 CEST 2009

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Lukasz Szybalski <szybalski at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> Not really python related, but since the notes system is written in
> python I figured somebody might know the answer to this:
> I have python based "notes" system.
> Whenever somebody enters a note like: "See ticket#45" is there a way
> for me using css or javascript to convert "ticket#45" on the fly to a
> link like:
>  http://example.com/trac/ticket/14

Regular expressions are built into JavaScript. Here's an example that will
do what you want.

var re = /ticket#(\d+)/g
var text = "See ticket#123 and ticket#124"

text.replace(re, '<a href="http://example.com/trac/ticket/$1>ticket#$1</a>')

Cosmin Stejerean
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