[Chicago] ACM 5/13 presentation on Parallel and Concurrent Programming

Marc Temkin mtemkin at speakeasy.net
Fri May 8 17:18:24 CEST 2009

Think Parallel!
Spend 90 minutes preparing for the next decade of computing; where in
addition to all the present challenges we must also think parallel in order
to compute faster.
The next Chicago ACM meeting, on 5/13, presents Dr. Cary Gray of Wheaton
College.  Cary will be speaking about the History of Parallel & Concurrent
Computing. This talk concerns the hidden history of parallel processing,
since 1960; and how that history gives us the best idea of how to proceed
now with multiple processors.  
Cary worked for Texas Instruments and Digital Equipment Corporation and
earned his PhD from Stanford.  He has been teaching undergraduates for the
last 16 years.  
For complete information on this meeting visit: www.chicagoacm.org

Marc Temkin

Email:mtemkin at speakeasy.net


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