[Chicago] John Hunter at Future ChiPy Meeting

Rob Kapteyn robkapteyn at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 18:33:55 CEST 2009

That would be awesome ;-)
Matplotlib does more than just graphs, by the way.

John did a presentation for us ~4-5 years ago, but the projector was  
not working and we had to stand around his laptop.
It was awesome anyway.
He should know that we are now very well equipped in the projector/AV  

I would say more more about his last presentation, but I don't want to  
upstage whatever he is planning for this time ;-)

On Jul 20, 2009, at 10:12 PM, Brian Ray wrote:

> We got an offer from John Hunter to present on his Matplotlib http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/ 
>  at a future ChiPy meeting.  Any interest?
> Technically, I am not organizing next meeting. Yes I did solicit Dr.  
> Hunter, force of habit :]
> Nonetheless, John's previous ChiPy presentation was really great.  
> This time I promised our AV has improved.
> Lets all make some pretty graphs with Python. What do you say?
> -- Brian Ray
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