[Chicago] IDEs

Frank Duncan herbieman2000 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 15:13:53 CEST 2009

Eclim is the best thing since sliced bread.  Have been using it at my  
dayjob for some 3 years now.  I still use eclipse for remote debugging/ 
stepping though.


On Jul 7, 2009, at 3:19 AM, Jon Sudlow <jsudlow at gmail.com> wrote:

> I"ve used ERIC IDE for a lot of my python projects. Its lightweight  
> and does what I want it to do. I'm not picky, but I dont like  
> eclipse because its so overblown for the simple python scripts or  
> django files I need to write.
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Josh Cronemeyer <joshuacronemeyer at gmail.com 
> > wrote:
> Woah,
> hold everything.  eclim sounds awesome.  i'm downloading it right  
> now and keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't the most buggy  
> nightmarish frankenstein of all time.  If it works as advertised  
> this could be very cool.
> thanks!
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Steven Githens <swgithen at mtu.edu>  
> wrote:
> Garrett Smith wrote:
> ----- "Brian Ray" <bray at sent.com> wrote:
> On Jun 30, 2009, at 11:20 AM, Allan Spale wrote:
> +1 for Eclipse (desktop editing)
> +1 for Emacs (remote editing)
> I would be curious to know if there is a nice open source GUI   
> builder for Python (regardless of widget toolkit) that is not buggy.
> Eclipse integration would be very nice.
> I am not sure if you looked it wxPython at all. But it also has some  
> GUI builders that generate code or uses mozilla-ish xml to  
> dynamically  build gui. I used wxWidgets for some commercial  
> products so it really is not buggy if you know what your doing;  
> however, it was the C++  interface. Moving to the Python wx from  
> there made life really easy.
> If I would have gone straight to wxPython I think I would have  
> gotten  extremely frustrated (as many do) because the API does not  
> really read
> that easily.  QT is also really nice.
> Concerning IDE's
> +1 Komodo
> +1 VIM
> I also tried Netbeans Python Beta recently which did a really good job
> at some stuff; although, I unsure about how well the debugger  
> works.  I just did not have enough time to play around with it.
> I do a lot of work on headless servers (no GUI), so I'm pretty much
> limited to either Emacs or VIM, or develop on the desktop and move JAR
> files around the network (pain) in to use Eclipse (which, IMO, has
> become an outstanding IDE over the years).
> I've been using VIM, but Emacs is the clear editor of choice for  
> Erlang
> development, which I'm doing more of. And since Emacs has pretty deep
> support for everything else, I'm gonna make the switch.
> We'll see how the Java stuff goes. As far as Python, the basic
> python-mode is already an improvement over what I was using in VIM.
> You might want to check out eclim too.  It connects/integrates Vim  
> to a headless Eclipse ( or headed, or embedded editor )
> and get the same sort of Java autocomplete and refactoring stuff via  
> regular Vim stuff (like ctrl-n ).
> I think it's pretty flexible, so it might be able to harness PyDev  
> and other Eclipse plugins as well.
> http://eclim.sourceforge.net/
> -Steve
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