[Chicago] Language Comparison Lighting Talk Submissions

Brian Ray bray at sent.com
Wed Jan 7 03:46:20 CET 2009

On Jan 6, 2009, at 12:33 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:

> I think they also attract personality types. Brian, for example, has  
> a very simple brain, which Python, a very simple language, fits  
> nicely. I'd say the same for Pete, but he'd take it the wrong way.  
> Brian will agree though, as he knows I share that characteristic :)

It is true, great minds think alike.  High goals and expectations  
sometimes requires simplification. Productivity is also crucial. I  
would say, "Perfectionist with deadlines," but I think it is taken.

I think I like Ian's questions more than mine. Sure they do not lend  
to my perfect little check list. But, the list will bore Cosmin. And I  
just can not tolerate him falling asleep and snoring so loudly at  
another ChiPy meeting.

This may be our best meeting ever!

Brian Ray

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